List of Indian Labs for COVID-19 Testing

15 Mar 20
In order to minimize further spread of deadly virus COVID-19 government of India has released a list of 51 primary hospitals and 56 additional government labs where symptoms ...

समीक्षा : आप सरकार के 5 साल, बेमिशाल

26 Dec 19
सबको मिली अच्छी शिक्षा शिक्षा का बजट किया तिगुना – 6,000 cr से बढ़कर अब 15,000 cr; 20,000 से जयादा नए क्लासरूम पहली बार सरकारी स्कूलों का रिजल्ट ...

Delhi’s Economic Model: A blueprint for the future

1 Dec 19
Our country is in the midst of an unprecedented economic crisis. Our GDP growth rate declined from 7.1% in 2016-17 to 5.2% in the first quarter of 2019-20, ...

AAP Govt in Delhi: 2015-2019 Executive Summary

24 Nov 19
EDUCATION – Shaping the Future  Annual Education budget more than doubled from 6,600 Cr to 15,133 Cr. At 26% of total budget, it is Highest in India Nearly ...

50 Reasons to Vote for AAP in 2019 Loksabha Elections

12 May 19
1. Bringing Accountability and Transparency to the Governance in Delhi Nearly 30 arrests were made before the forceful take over of ACB in Delhi by the BJP-ruled centre in 2015. Corruption ...

Positive Strides by AAP in Improving the Condition on Delhi

6 May 19
When AAP formed the government in 2013, Delhi’s budget was close to 29,000 crore. After five years of AAP governance, the budget has increased to 60,000 (2019-20) crores and Delhi has ...

BJP’s grand illusions of immortality

30 Mar 19
With journalist Ravish Kumar revealing details of BJP’s new offices, to be inaugurated in all the 630 districts in the country soon, which is now in various stages ...

Thinking outside our conditioning

29 Mar 19
You may have heard of thinking outside the box. But what is “Thinking outside Your Conditioning?”, you may ask. I did not know either, until a group of ...

Kashmir Diary: What I learnt while working in Kashmir

18 Feb 19
In 2010, I was in the final year of my masters program when we got an opportunity to conduct a topographic survey for a rail network site in ...